Life Pages
Simply Grow
How many more of your days will you spend wishing to revisit the past, pumping the brakes on the future and completely missing out on the present? Life's maze of meaning is a graveyard of brilliant minds who have spoiled their splendor chasing after someone else's worth. Stop comparing yourself to who someone else is today and start comparing yourself to who you were yesterday. Then even the slightest growth is the greatest success. You'll never hold the future, you'll never change the past, but you'll forever own the moment... and it's who you are in the moment that defines...
Take Hold Again
In this very moment there is fear within you, fear draped over you. Uncertainty of what is to come. But to you who read this now, take heart. For the plan of what is to come is so brilliant it could only be given by God. And through what is to come God will sanctify His people. Return us from our darkness to Him. Now is not the time to fear, but a time to pray. To pray for this Nation, to pray for this people. This blessed and beautiful people of multitudes, nations and tongues. In this moment, take...
Along Comes Sludge
Every day you allow yourself to care about someone else's opinion of you is a day you stay bound by the very chains they wish to put upon you. For if freedom is the absence of chains, then one chain is one chain too many to truly be free. Simply put, a single worry of how the world views you is the equivalent of slavery. You are bound. You are a captive. Not to the world's view of you, because it has no real power over you, but to your own thoughts, and it's in those thoughts that the most beautiful pieces of you are stripped away. Until...
Like Leaves
Like the leaves of the season, so are friends. Blooming in our lives but for a brief, waking moment, shining bright, vibrant in all their splendor... then quickly fading into yesterday as a new season peeks over the horizon. Suddenly the leaves begin to change and we find ourselves gripping tighter and tighter, holding on to what we had while each beautiful color fades before our eyes... If only we could learn to let go, how much heartache we would save. Sometimes we find ourselves simply gripping that leaf because of how long we've held it. Holding onto friends that...