I had to pause and gather my thoughts. So many emotions it's hard to reel them all in. I've never been one to put my trust in men. Kings rise, kings fall, God directs their steps. I've never been one for politics, it's all a game and the people like you and me on the bottom are the one's that get played. Power corrupts and the willingness to do evil in its pursuit haunts the hearts of most men in high places.
I've always respected this man, I don't why. I don't hold him on any pedestal, I don't think he's a saint or a savior, and I can't speak to the intentions of his heart. I just try to judge a tree by it's fruit... and sometimes it's a mixed bag. Maybe it's just because he's probably like me or anyone else I know if we were given the burden of office. He speaks his mind unapologetically, takes no sh*t and would rather die than lose. I can't help but respect that.
Yesterday I was angry, at the direction my children's nation is headed, and the refusal by so many to see it. I was numb, it's like we've all accepted the downward spiral and are just stealing the silverware on the Titanic at this point. I was passionate, for this country, for our people. Our beautiful people from so many walks of life, of all races, colors and creeds. A people driven by a pursuit of happiness and the dream to build something better, because they can.
I was inspired. To see a man who was once an icon of the American dream, who gave it all up to be the most despised figure of his time. To have his accomplishments overlooked, his failures magnified, his legacy run through the mud. To have the government, the courts, the media, half the nation and half the world try and tear him apart at every turn, yet he still won't fold. I can't help but respect that.
America is the story of the underdog, people who faced tough odds and did great things. In the end, the character of a man is revealed when he's brought to his most fragile moment. Does he cower or does he stand? Life is but a breath for each of us. This man will come and go, as will you and I. And all that will remain are images of the stances we took along the way. I pray, regardless where we are next year or the year after that, that the images I paint in my lifetime can just look something like this.
All it takes for evil to prevail is that good men do nothing. These words are not for you who love this man, and they’re not for you who hate him. These words are for those of you who simply love this country and don’t want to see it lost. The word “repent” gets under most people’s skin, just because we misunderstand its meaning. Repent simply means to change course… and that’s what we need in this moment.
America needs to change course, we need to repent. For sake of a only few God was willing to save Sodom, and I know beyond all doubt that His promise will stand for America as well, that; “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (II Chronicles 7:14 NKJV)