Some people did you wrong. But you did yourself a deeper wrong by holding onto your bitterness. Sure, you were justified to feel the way you did. Who wouldn't in your shoes? You were hurt, broken, drug through the mud, and there's a hundred different ways you could've handled it... most of which may have felt a little better in the moment. But none of them would have brought you peace like learning to let go.You're not perfect, you're not gonna get it right all the time, and that's ok. Accepting that you're a work in progress means you have...
When you search the deepest part of yourself unable to find strength, unable to find hope, or even the will to take another step forward. When you hit rock bottom and purpose eludes you, hold onto this truth... A man's strength was designed to grow tired, his hope fashioned to fail, his will destined to be broken. All to remind him that the source of his strength was never meant to be found in himself. For a man who finds his strength in the Lord is a man who will face his greatest of trials and never be crushed by...
The hardest thing a man can do is the right thing... consistently. To wrangle his desires despite how he feels, to balance his impulses regardless where his current distraction is pulling him. To understand there will be no applause for it, very little gain in it and few who will stand beside him through it. Knowing he'll do it alone, over and over again, for a lifetime, all with the hope that somewhere along the way, doing the right thing might just be enough to help fix whatβs broken in the world. There will be days he grows tired, days...
Your struggle isn't who you are. It doesn't define you, it doesn't defeat you, it doesn't dissuade you. It simply REVEALS you. You've either already GIVEN UP, or you're in the process of GETTING UP. Let today's trouble be the mirror that reveals YOU. We're all made of something breakable, and yet every one of us still has the power to be unstoppable... The truth is, the only thing that separates the broken from the unstoppable, are the broken who refuse to be stopped.